Talking Heads reunited in September 2023, and a lot has happened since. Here's a recap of the most significant year in Talking Heads history this century, and how we got here.
Post #5 - Posted: 2024-09-11 at 15:16:24 UTC by Naomi
On June 13th, the same night as their NYC Stop Making Sense screening, an interview with Talking Heads and Jimmy Fallon will air (filming June 12th). The Linda Lindas will perform at the screening and on the episode.
Post #3 - Posted: 2024-06-08 at 11:54:14 UTC by Naomi
40 years later, Stop Making Sense is shown at the Pantages Theatre where it was filmed - followed by all 4 Talking Heads returning for a Q&A!
Post #2 - Posted: 2024-06-05 at 19:04:17 UTC by Naomi
To celebrate David Byrne's 72nd birthday, on May 14th 2024, the Talking Heads Wiki website has officially been released!
Post #1 - Posted: 2024-05-14 at 22:03:23 UTC by Naomi